Learning to fly with JETLEV will bring you great joy and personal success experiences while discovering an exciting new world of sea adventure. The best student is the one having the most fun. Having a good time is the cornerstone to our success. Come and learn with us, you’ll be up in the air and having a blast in no time!
With hands-on lessons from the best-trained instructors anyone can experience the thrill and excitement of Jetlev Flyer.
Training video to give you an overview of the water Jetlev technology and flight fundamentals.
In-office instruction where you’ll sit in our training pack to practice the flight techniques.
Overview of all safety procedures (our staff-to-pilot ratio and extensive training ensures a safe and fun experience for all participants).
If you have a group, all participants will go through the pre-flight training together before going out to the flight location

Assisted Beginners 01

(5-15 minutes)

Here’s what’s included in our flight packages

Training with throttle remotely controlled by instructor

  • Low taxi neutral and slow forward
  • High taxi neutral, forward and turns
  • Deep water takeoff
  • Forward flight and turns
  • Landing practice

Assisted Beginners 02

(15-60 minutes)

Here’s what’s included in our flight packages

Training with own throttle control:

  • Low taxi neutral and slow forward
  • High taxi neutral, forward and turns
  • Deep water (floating) takeoff
  • Forward flight and turns
  • Landing practice
  • Landing in waist-deep water


(1-10 hours)

Here’s what’s included in our flight packages

Beginners skills and more.

  • Standing takeoff in waist-deep water
  • Fast forward translation
  • Fast turns
  • Slaloms (precisely controlled 90° turns alternating between left and right)
  • Figure-8 (precisely controlled 180° turns alternating between left and right)
  • Vertical climbs and descents
  • Hovers at up to 20 feet
  • 90° yaw turns to either side while hovering at up to 20 feet
  • Descending 180 (From hover, roll into 180° turn and forward translation)
  • Walking/running on water
  • One-handed flight (fly briefly using right hand only)
  • Pick-up (pick up floating objects on the water with left hand)


(minimum 10 hours flight time)

Here’s what’s included in our flight packages

Intermediate skills and more.

  • Donuts (tight radius circles)
  • Slanted donuts (donuts with one end of circles higher than the other)
  • Hands-free (in high taxi mode and at slow speed only; brief flight with hands off)
  • High hovers at 25-30 feet
  • Penthouse express (accelerate vertically from water to 30 feet)
  • Sea otter (short surface travel on back rest)
  • Sea otter flip (flip 180° from Sea otter to forward travel)
  • Brick wall (from forward translation, come to abrupt stop with reverse nozzles)
  • Level approach dock landing (approach dock only inches above, then touchdown)
  • Dock takeoff (standing on dock, increase thrust until gentle liftoff and steer out to water)
  • Leaping takeoff (similar to dock takeoff, but coordinate with leg leaping action)


(minimum 15 hours flight time):

Here’s what’s included in our flight packages

Expert skills and more.

  • Training skills
  • Basic equipment maintenance
  • Life saving & CPR